A. 哀莫大于心死尊严和信念的瓦解才是最残忍的凌迟短短一个半小时在罗马底层社会同类相残的斗兽场里完成了毫不煽情却极度冷酷的毁灭平实背后绝非没有技巧恰恰相反这是把技巧用得不动声色又直击人心anonymous是匠气隐去以后的浑然天成
2.5 But how does he know the OUTFIT's way of communication? Unless he is one of them? And the final twist, kinda goes towards to King's Men, I mean, a sofisticated tailor/veteran is sufficient for most plots of the movie. And the small pool of blood drip, I kinda imagine this repeatedly emphasized set up can be of use later, but no...